Holistic care of Sexual Minorities such as Intersex in Family Medicine: Case Study
Sexual minorities, Intersex, Family Medicine, Homosexual, bisexual, transgenderAbstract
Intersex is a group of individuals whose sexual characteristics do not correspond to the typical and binary norms of male or female. It is estimated that approximately one person in 2000 is intersex. Worldwide, the proportion of births of intersex children is between 0.05 and 4%. Social life imposes certain choices, such as the choice of male or female sex, which is why so many families end up having their intersex children operated on in order to assign them a single sexand thus respect the norms of sexual life. The aim of this study is to describe a holistic care for the case of intersex.
Patient presentation
This study concerns a 14-year-old intersex, the only child in the family, who received a home consultation as part of Family Medicine to determine his biological sex.
This study has allowed us to know in depth intersexuality as a type among sexual minorities, with very clear knowledge on its biopsychosocial management.
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