Analysis of Nursing Workload in the General Inpatient Department of Bhayangkara Hospital Gorontalo Police
Workload, Nurses, Inpatient, Hospital.Abstract
Nurses are the main component in health services in hospitals, especially in the general inpatient department, with a high intensity of interaction with patients and families. The high ratio of pay-to-nurse triggers an excessive workload. This study aims to analyze the ratio of patients to nurses, the number of patients per shift, the special role of nurses, the level of stress and fatigue experienced, the use of technology and tools in supporting the duties of nurses, to complaints or complaints from patients at the Bhayangkara Hospital of the Gorontalo Police. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to deeply explore the experiences and perceptions of 11 informants, consisting of employees and patients of the Gorontalo Regional Police Bhayangkara Hospital with data collection through observation and interviews using questionnaires. The results of the study showed that the ratio of patients to nurses in the inpatient unit exceeded WHO standards, triggering high levels of stress and nurse burnout, the ratio of nurses to special roles was still low, the implementation of technology was not optimal due to limited training and infrastructure, as well as patient complaints related to delays in services and lack of staff coordination. In conclusion, the nursing workload of the general inpatient department of Bhayangkara Hospital is still excessive so that the hospital's services are not optimal.
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